Three years ago we wrote to be wary of tech-less tech firms. And today, we were again reminded how important this advice is.
One of our clients had recently contracted with a local web development firm to create a site for her. We often host sites for clients as courtesy and we agreed to do so this time as well.
This might be sort of “get off my lawn”-ish, but our firm has been around 10 years & our head tech guy has been writing code for 20 years. Look, we like new technology and love automation. But at some point, SOMEONE has to know how a web server works.
We strongly recommend that before you hire anyone to build a website for you, ask them a simple question: DO YOU WRITE CODE? If the answer is “uhhhh,” we humbly suggest you call someone else. And if you ever want a sanity check, feel free to call/email us. We are good at sniffing out the sharks. 🙂