This little gem was making the rounds earlier this week:
Where to begin…
The business of real estate technology has gone through monumental shifts since we started our company in 2005. But one thing has remained constant: the way to generate prospects on the internet is to provide value in the form of unique content. No buzzwords. No glittering generalities about “studies” with no sources. Just hard work, over time.
Essentially what the guy above is saying is his firm provides a website that tracks behavior and presents content: 3BR homes on the lake, uptown condos, etc. Not exactly rocket science. And here’s the thing – you press one button and you can get that stuff on any real estate site.
Our message isn’t overly exciting or fun. It’s like when Warren Buffet explains that the way to build wealth is to buy stock in good companies and hold it for 30 years. People yawn and look for the guy offering the tip on the hot penny stock.
Not to toot our own horn, but we’ve been developing real estate tech for almost 15 years. Our founder is not only a “tech guy” but has a real estate broker license in 2 states. During our time in business, we’ve seen it all, but the core message we deliver to clients has not changed. To repeat: the way to generate prospects on the internet is to provide value in the form of unique content.
So, before you run to your broker to tell him/her you’re quitting to join a firm that will give you “free” technology, take a step back and read between the lines. And please, email us and ask for a sanity check. If something’s truly worthwhile, we’ll tell you! We promise. There’s a lot of great stuff out there now, but sadly a lot more “clunkers” masquerading as fancy sports cars.